Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lab #2 - Research

Title: Object/Gesture Improvisation

Resources: three people, 10 objects, table and chairs

Intent: To investigate the use of a visual score that is created out of a database of ten gestural or spoken actions associated with ten objects and selected by human choice.

Description/Instruction: Three people sit at a table together. One person is the gestural responder and the other two are the object placers. Every object represents a visual cue to perform a specific gesture or spoken text associated with it. The object placers add and remove objects to the blue box outline on the tabletop as the gestural responder interprets the score created by these objects.

Assessment: I had Skyped with Mark on this morning and we decided to return to an early inspiration for our new piece: the dinner party. So it was apropos that I was going to a friends for dinner that evening. I chose table objects and made up my gesture/verbal response when I got there. The whole thing became very funny pretty quickly. I never intend to make comedy but it might be unavoidable in this research. I was reading the objects left to right inside the box but I did not have a clear enough way to read them top to bottom. As the improv went on I got better at combing gestures when objects were “stacked” top to bottom or literally on top of each other. Again, the humans did things I could not have predicted. Shannon really got into composing near the end. John forgot that there were even any rules. At this point I am only gathering raw information from these improvs. At some soon time I will combine them into a more structured event.

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